Policy Centre¶
Our Policy Centre is part of our pillar of transparency and control. As a publisher, you should know exactly what is done with Personal Information and only involve third parties when you have explicitly agreed to it.
In the policy centre you will see any system terms or integration terms when personal information is involved (think ID solutions).
Any integration that shows up in here will require explicit approval from someone in your organisation before it can go live on a publisher site. Even if you drag an ID integration into your ad stack for example, it will not go live until terms have been accepted.
Content Ignites Role¶
On the topic of ID solutions, you can think of Content Ignite as the "pipes" between you and the third party ID company. You, the publisher, pass user information (e.g. email address) to your Content Ignite tag via the JS API, and we make sure it is passed to all the third parties you have approved and configured inside Fusion.
This makes onboarding ID solutions a breeze, as you don't need to figure out the nuances of each individual company; pass it to Content Ignite once, and we make sure it makes it to the ID companies just as they need it.
It is highly important to note that this passing of information is all done "client-side". This means no PI is ever passed to Content Ignite servers where it could be stored, logged or mishandled in any way. In this scenario Content Ignite is acting as a data processor.
The Policy Centre exists so you know exactly who has permission to be active on your site, and what that companies terms are, including how they handle the information being passed to them.
It is important to us, especially as experts inside the EEA where laws such as GDPR exist, that publishers are in full control, that they know what is legally expected of them (some ID solutions require amendments to your privacy policy for example!), and that at no point do you have any nasty surprises when it comes to your users privacy!
Accepting of terms¶
Accepting terms does not mean going live with that integration, it is simply a preliminary step. You can accept all terms (submitting them to your legal department if need be), and then go on to activate them as and when you are ready.
Terms typically take the form of a block of text from the third party, or a link to the third parties website. These resources should state any legal requirements of you, such as amendments to your privacy policy, so read them carefully.
Once you are happy, click "Accept terms" and that's all there is to it.
Adding and Removing an integration¶
Once an integrations terms are accepted (if they have them), you are free to drag that integration into your publisher stack or ad stack. This is the important step that actually activates the integration. All active integrations are fully visible inside Fusion and can be added or removed by you at any time.
Accepting terms may be a one way street, but as we mention, you are free to remove integrations from publishers or ad stacks at any time, and this will fully remove that integration from running on your site. The publisher will always remain in control.