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Publisher Management

You can reach your list of publishers from the "Publishers" menu item inside the primary navigation.

From here you will see a tabulated list of publishers and a "New Publisher" button.

Creating a new publisher is as simple as clicking the "New Publisher" button and entering a valid domain name and clicking "Create". There are options to add an optional label to help you identify publishers quickly as well as bulk upload for speedy onboarding.

From here, or from clicking on an existing publisher, you will be taken to the main management page for an individual publisher.

Publisher Onboarding

For all new publishers, there are several steps that need to be completed before you can go live with your publisher tag. These steps will be shown at the top of the page with details on how to complete each step. Once these are all complete, you can enable the publisher tag and start monetising your site!

The vital steps to complete are:

Upload Ads.txt requirements

Adding the required entries to your publisher's Ads.txt is vital to successful ad serving. Your Ads.txt grants us access to serve ads to your site, so without this, advertisers assume we do not have your consent. Click the View requirements button to see the lines that need to be present, then upload them to your site Ads.txt file.

You will find a line for each parent organisation. These lines form part of the Supply Chain Object (SCO), part of the ad industries bid transparency specification and required by many partners. It is therefore vital for protecting from revenue loss that these lines are in place.

Our systems check Ads.txt files every hour.

Add billing information

If you are a SaaS customer, aka someone just using our technology, then we need to be able to charge you for your usage each month. The same goes for the usage of our contextual technology.

If you are using Content Ignite demand, then we need your bank details so we can pay you your hard-earned revenue!

So we make sure these details are on file before going live, to avoid any delays or interruptions to service later down the line.

For more information on billing/payments, see our billing help page.

Setup up MCM connection

When using our ad server, Google must approve each organisation and publisher to ensure they meet their policy requirements, this is an automated process and we will inform you of any issues in this process via email. Approval typically takes one business day but can take up to two weeks.

There is nothing additional required from you for this step.

Get site approved by Google

Every publisher needs their domain approved by Google for monetization. No actions are needed here and approval typical happens within a day (but can take up to two weeks). Googles decision is outside of our control but we will notify you of any status changes as they happen.

Get approved

Internal verification ensures your organisation and publisher meet our quality standards. Verification is automated and you will get an instant decision upon initial set up of a new publisher.

If you are rejected at this stage, you will be given a single opportunity to appeal the outcome, where a member of our team will then review your case and make a decision typically within 3 working days.

Set up your first tag config

Before you can go live, make sure you have at least one config in place. A config is a group of settings describing a single ad unit type and its targeting specific to its parent publisher.

For more information on tag configs, see our Tag Configs help page.

Accept our terms

Our platform terms need to be accepted before you go live. Your account manager will reach out regarding this and once signed, will be marked as completed here in platform.

Go live!

The only thing left to do at this stage is to integrate the publisher tag into your site. See our section on Tag Deployment for more information.

Tag Status

The tag status block contains a toggle allowing you to turn your publisher tag on or off as required. This will be disabled if any of the onboarding steps are still outstanding. It will also display information if there are any tag issues, such as out-of-date code, or missing active tag configs.

Above the tag status, you will also notice the build status. Any changes to your tag that would require we push an update (config changes, publisher setting changes etc) will be queued up to be re-built and deployed live (takes place with 5 minutes of change). These statuses are for your information only and require no input from you. Until the status reads "Complete" you can assume any changes you have made will not be live and in-effect yet.

The status flow is as follows:

  1. Update queued - The tag update is in the queue waiting to be processed by our systems.
  2. Update in progress - Our systems are re-building your tag at this very moment
  3. Purge pending - The tag has been updated, but we need to clear the cache for it to show
  4. Purge in progress - The cache purge is in progress
  5. Complete - The tag has been fully rebuilt and the cache has been cleared. You should see your latest changes in effect.

There is also a sixth status, of Deploy frozen, for when a deployment freeze has been set up against the publisher.

30 Day Insights

This quick insight graph shows you various stats over a 30-day rolling period. You can toggle between various graphs to gain insight into the health of a publisher. Hover over to get a breakdown by day.

Tag Configs

The last block on the page contains a list of all your tag configs, these instruct the publisher tag on what units to load, where to place them and what features to enable. More information can be found on the Tag configs help page.

Publisher Actions Menu

Clicking the three vertical dots in the top right of a publisher page will open up a publisher actions menu. From here you can manage various publisher-specific settings.

Tag instruction emails

If you are managing a none O&O publisher that you have not given dashboard access to, you can use this feature to send them instructions on tag integration and Ads.txt requirements.

The email will open up in your email client, allowing you to review the content before sending it.

Live demo

Click this option and enter a full URL to a page on your publisher site, and we will generate a page that includes the publisher tag and all its configs. Great as a first step before go-live, to get an idea of what units work best with a publisher, or to simply help you sell a non-O&O publisher on the product.

Ads.txt requirements

Click this to bring up the Ads.txt requirements if you ever need to reference them. These can change from time to time, however, any issues will be highlighted in your organisation's health report.